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Rock Maze



Weekend intensive solo or with your partner(s) to further understand and/or consolidate the expression of pleasure in your intimate dynamic - whether talking, nurturing playfulness or love making.


In this day and age of global health issues and travel restrictions, we organise online retreats. Though not in a setting cut off from your everyday, this is an opportunity to put a day to a weekend aside and have some fun exploring your dynamic further. 

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Who knows, we might be able to carry out retreats in person again one day. Let's Learn, Practice and Maintain together. 


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Bonsai Plant Flowers


Unlike our "Sexual Attitude Reassessment" retreat - at the end of the menu, the Solo retreat is really about you, 1 on 1 with yourself - exploring and practicing exploration. We wanted to created a space where you can have your questions answered and your fear and vulnerability checked at the door.


heterosexual couples

Why would you want anything to remain unsaid? Do you really know your bodies? Do you really know how to navigate each other while each other's vulnerabilities are neutralised?

This is a space for you. Clear the breeze, unfreeze and move to love making without thought, with awareness.



Just a touch of love to yourself. Let us journey you through to the vagina power.

Pink Banana

lgbtq PENIS

Just a touch of love to yourself. Let us journey you through to understanding the true nature of orgasm in men and no....orgasm is separate from the reflex of ejaculation...but no one teaches you this!



Why would you want anything to remain unsaid? Do you really know your bodies? Do you really know how to navigate each other while each other's vulnerabilities are neutralised?

This is a space for you. Clear the breeze, unfreeze and move to love making without thought, with awareness.


polyamourous relationships

Why would you want anything to remain unsaid? Do you really know your bodies? Do you really know how to navigate each other while each other's vulnerabilities are neutralised?

This is a space for you. Clear the breeze, unfreeze and move to love making without thought, with awareness.

Notebook and Pen

sexual attitude reassessment

Discover your limits

Understand your comfort - 

This SAR follows the methodology and practice as expressed by Dr. Robert Dunlapp and Dr. Patti Britton.

Recognise who you are in safety. Learn about diversity and variety. Practice the art of being and not judging. Maintain a healthy approach to your sexuality.

This can be intensive!

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